About the Founder - Ariana
From a young age, I was always the “short” kid in class. From the age of 6, I started taking homeopathy medicine to increase my height. After 3 years of taking homeopathy medicine, my height did not increase exponentially, and I got called “Shortie” by some of my classmates. At that young age, it really affected me and I remember asking my parents “Why did I have to be short and why couldn't I be normal?” When I went to my yearly physical, My pediatric doctor advised me to go see an endocrinologist since the medicine I was taking wasn’t working and I was still extremely small. On October 31st 2019, I met with my endocrinologist, and she recommended that I get a blood test done to see all of my levels and to really see what was going on with my body. A month later, my family went to the “Happiest Place on Earth”, Disneyland. While driving 6 hours, my parents received a phone call from my endocrinologist. My doctor explained to my family that I had Turner Syndrome, which is a genetic disorder that affects females, and occurs when one X chromosome is abnormal. After that trip, I had another visit with my doctor and she prescribed me with growth hormone. After 1460 shots, my bone age caught up and I could finally stop the growth hormone. Throughout this journey, I’ve realized that Turner’s Syndrome didn't limit me in any way and that I was as normal and as able as any other person.